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Proposal Template

How to Write an Essay?

Writing a custom essay is not always an easy task. There are three steps involved in this process: take a stand and ensure that you learn how to write a quality essay, create a thesis statement, and finally, use it to complete the body of the paper. These steps are basically a proposal template that every student should learn in order to present better course works and assignments. We take a deeper look at each one of them:

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Step 1. Take a Stand and Ensure that You Know how to Write a Quality Essay

This simply means that you need to make a firm decision on whether or not you agree or disagree with the topic of the essay that you have been assigned. We all know that school life has its ups and downs, coupled with good times and disappointments. Once you are sure, you can then build on a statement in which you either agree or disagree partially. Before you can prepare a proposal template for a thesis and dissertation, you first have to understand that being in school is not really a punishment, but a perfect place for a wonderful experience.

Step 2. Write a Thesis Statement

A very simple but highly effective writing technique that you can use to come up with a great thesis statement is the “Power of Three”. The thesis statement that you can use to build up a body of the essay is, “Being a high school student is a wonderful experience for three reasons.” With this, you will have to ask yourself, “why three, and not four, five or six?” the thing is, three has been proved to be the largest number that a human brain can effectively deal with. For some reason, we are wired to think better in terms of “three”.

Now, a thesis proposal has got to have a thesis statement, which has to consist of two parts: a ‘thesis’ and ‘statement of support’. A ‘thesis’ is the part we have just described. The second part is supposed to briefly and simply outline every mentioned reason. “The Power of Three”, in this thesis statement, will make us come up with three reasons that make school life great, which we are forced to devote a section or paragraph to expand on. By the time we are done doing that, guess what? We are actually done writing an essay. What we already have is basically a sample of proposal.

Step 3. Write the Body of an Essay

It is essential to note hereby that the hardest part of writing an essay is actually done. This is due to the fact that going by the way I teach, creating a thesis statement requires that you write in a very clear way, which can be quite challenging. Now, writing the body of an essay basically involves building on the thesis statement. Therefore, the parts of an essay are dependent on the thesis statement. Our thesis statement requires all the three aspects to be addressed in different paragraphs. A request for proposal has to have a pre-established thesis statement done by a student, because this is what the writer builds on.

Your lecturer may require you to include a conclusion and/or recommendation to your essay. This should not be a problem, really. What conclusions do is that they basically repeat that which you have addressed in your paper, and especially how you have started it. Therefore, what you can simply do is paraphrase the thesis statement that you have already created and consider it the conclusion. This is actually very easy. With these three steps as the proposal template, now you have the knowledge you need to write a good essay. Still, if you can’t complete your assignment, you can buy a paper from reputable online companies for a cheap price. 

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