Table of Contents
- Target Population
- Buy "Patient-Centered Malignant Hypertension Care Plan" essay paper online
- Obtaining Necessary Approval
- Facts and Current Problem
- Proposed Solution
- Rationale for the Proposed Solution
- Supporting Evidence
- Description of Implementation Logistics
- Resources Required for Implementation
- Conclusion
- Related Health and Healthcare essays
After the adoption of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, there was a general intention of ensuring that the primary level care would become the prominent role for all health centers. The intention was to see to it that all forms of diseases were handled at their primary level (Goldsmith, 2015). Therefore, it was the expectation that all health care facilities realigned their operations in line with improving their primary level care. The result would be an improved health status of the patients and reduced cost of managing various diseases. In the appreciation of this noble intention of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, this paper aims at coming up with a plan that will see to it that the malignant hypertension is handled in a patient-friendly manner and in the primary level of care.
Target Population
The plan targets the low-income earning population who cannot access high-quality healthcare services. This is done in line with the intention of improving the accessibility of quality health care services as envisaged in the Affordable Care Act (Goldsmith, 2015). With malignant hypertension prevalence being higher among the low-income earners, there is the need to come up with an inclusive strategy where these people have access to both primary and secondary level of care. However, the intention of this plan is to improve their primary level of care in the treatment of malignant hypertension.
Obtaining Necessary Approval
It is the intention of the plan to incorporate the views of the management regarding improving the primary level care as a means of reducing the operations costs. Having a healthy exchange with the management is helpful since healthy employees are at the center of the culture of any organization (Parkin, 2010). Moreover, appropriate health care workers will also be consulted on the issues touching their profession. This will be done to ensure that the plan is seen as a team effort and not a source of conflict in the health care center. Moreover, using the approach of consultation, the plan will not only improve the welfare of the patients suffering from malignant hypertension but also enhance the team-based approach in the health facility.
Facts and Current Problem
Malignant hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure levels become so high that it may lead to the damage of nervous system and cardiovascular system. It also may lead to the damage mainly of the kidneys and the eyes. Cases of malignant hypertension are rare, with only 1% of all people suffering from high blood pressure having this disease (Bisognano, 2015). However, of importance to the plan is the fact that this disease is common to the population who belong to the lower economic status (Culp-Ressler, 2013). Access to quality health care is a problem to the people of low economic status. Thus, this was the biggest problem that the Affordable Care Act of 2010 wanted to address. According to Commonwealth, the poor accessing quality medical attention was significantly low with the national index being at 32% (Culp-Ressler, 2013). Therefore, there is the need to have an improved manner of ensuring that frequent screening is done to the poor who are highly vulnerable to the disease.
Proposed Solution
As it was initially indicated, the aim of adopting the Affordable Care Act was to ensure that the American health care sector was inclusive and affordable, but above all, it availed high quality care. Consequently, the plan aims at ensuring that the low-income earners have improved access to thorough checkups that will ensure that they get the right help at the right time. The intention of the plan is to take the health care services to where the targeted population is to make sure that there is an improvement concerning access to quality healthcare. This will see the nurses go to the field where they are to educate the targeted population on the symptoms, the available treatment, and the seriousness of malignant hypertension. There will also be the testing procedures on the current cases, where the caregivers will elaborate the situation to the patients and help them take the necessary action to either protect themselves from the disease or start the appropriate medication.
Rationale for the Proposed Solution
The proposed solution has two major parameters, namely primary level care and tailor-made care. Handling a disease at its primary level enhances the chances of a patient making a full recovery (Blais & Hayes, 2011). In the case at hand, malignant hypertension is a life-threatening disease; therefore, handling it at early stages safeguards the patients from its adverse effects like organ failure (Bisognano, 2015). This will both be of great help to the patients and the hospital since handing the disease at its early stages will save the hospital from incurring high expenses for treatment. The other parameter of the plan is the coming up with a tailor-made intervention in countering malignant hypertension. This is done in appreciation of the how diet is an important variable at play; therefore, understanding the lifestyle of the patient will be helpful in directing the patient to the right path that will help avoid malignant hypertension.
Supporting Evidence
The main reason the federal government came up with the Affordable Care Act of 2010 was the fact that the American health care was an exclusive system, where a majority of the people could not access quality health care. Moreover, people of the low economic class cannot access the quality care due to their inability in capacity (Culp-Ressler, 2013). Therefore, to ensure that the health care facility is inclusive, the caregivers will be the one to avail their services to where the patients are since this will improve the reach of the services. Moreover, at the heart of the Act is the ability to provide quality at low cost (Goldsmith, 2015). The caregivers targeting the population for a thorough primary level care will go far in cautioning the facility from the high cost of operations. Lastly, the plan entails delivering health care that is guided by the demands of the patients, which will help boost the element of evidence-based practice. Offering health care services in a manner that is sensitive to the patient’s needs is helpful in delivering the right help in the right way, which is a phenomenon that profoundly improves the welfare of the patients.
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Description of Implementation Logistics
The change of tactics in health care will only commence when the management has thoroughly studied the plan and their input integrated into the plan. This will be helpful in ensuring that the management is conversant with the demands of the plan. Therefore, it comes up with the right human and non-human capital required. Moreover, it is the leadership who are going to initiate the change so that it could take the face of the organization. Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) will be in the epicenter of the change initiative since they will avail their services closer to the low-income economic population. The duty of educating the staff will be under the department heads who are going to sensitize their team on the needed realignments vital in making the intentions of the plan a reality. Therefore, the implementation process will be under the assigned nurse manager who will have the responsibility of pooling the needed resources for the implementation process.
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Resources Required for Implementation
At the heart of implementing the plan, one can find the role of the FNPs who are going to take on the responsibility of availing health care services in the field of the malignant hypertension-prone poor population. In education the staff on the required changes and individual realignment, a general PowerPoint presentation will be offered, where questions will be proposed to allow the staff understand the task at hand thoroughly. Moreover, to ensure that the relevant staff members fully understand the plan, a random survey will be done, where the intention will be to identify the prevailing depth of comprehending of the plan by the staff. There will also be the utilization of Electronic Health Record (EHR) to ensure that all the necessary data is captured to understand the demand of handling cases of malignant hypertension.
Another key element of the plan is the funding, where the management in close collaboration with the assigned nurse manager will ensure that the needed funds for training the staff, buying the complimentary kit, and field expenses are availed accordingly. Furthermore, it will be necessary to reserve feedback-research, where the intention will be to identify the impact of the intervention among the population. Thus, a random survey will be utilized to eliminate the element of bias. Consequently, the management input will be required in assessing the impact of the change to both the organization and the targeted population to ensure that there are in line with the goals and intentions of the health care facility.
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It is evident that in fighting malignant hypertension, there is the need to ensure that the care is more inclusive. Moreover, it is clear that with this plan, the FNPs will be better placed in meeting the demands of the poor and vulnerable population. It is also evident that for the plan to work, the management needs to pool all the necessary resources to ensure a smooth implementation process. It is also apparent that the plan needs to be initiated by the management to take up the face of the organization as this will help minimize unnecessary resistance to change. Therefore, the plan provides an avenue that will see the health care system improve the primary level care for the malignant hypertension patients.
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